Taran & Lomov “Paranoid Hitchhiking” EP launch / 02 Feb
January 24, 2018 - 12:31 AM

On Feb 2 we have a private “Paranoid Hitchhiking” EP launch party in Riga. Below is the info about event just for you!
The first Amber Muse Records release in 2018 is Taran & Lomov’s two-tracker “Paranoid Hitchhiking” EP. In the day of its exclusive release, on February the 2nd, we invite you to a private party for a celebration.
To find out the place of the party and get your ticket (which number is strictly limited) please download free Amber Muse mobile app:
Android: https://goo.gl/KhwPdD
iOS: http://goo.gl/I0K6e7
Music by:
+ more to be confirmed
Party time: 23:30-06:00