EVENT: Amber Muse’s Fakultät @ Autentika / 17 May

We’re about to switch seasons in a proper way: the next Fakultät party will be full of different music flavors. Amber Muse’s Taran & Lomov will be joined on decks by talented and dedicated music selectors. Lévi (Ance Pudane) of Klik Klak and Aristīds gang will deliver the slower indie dance set. Reno & LP aren’t DJing on a regular basis but when they on music control — dancefloor burns! Last but not least are drum&bass/jump-up headz KENJI & Dispoze with a special house/bassline (!) set. Not to be missed!
tech / techno / house / electronica played by:
● TARAN & LOMOV | Amber Muse
● LÉVI | Klik Klak, Aristīds
● KENJI & DISPOZE (house set)
Download the free Amber Muse mobile app
Android: https://goo.gl/KhwPdD
iOS: http://goo.gl/I0K6e7
Supported by: Polar Monkeys, Tribaltic.lv, TestPress.news, www.pmtm.lv.
Technical support: POWER Production.
GDPR notice: Pics and videos captured during party will be used in online and social media.