EVENT: Amber Muse’s Fakultät / 25 Oct
October 14, 2019 - 3:04 PM

On Fakultät (first Amber Muse indoor party after summer season) we will take a journey to the world of modular synths: Nikola Negorod will deliver his modular live performance. DJs on the night will be Taran & Lomov and Esoniq with forward thinking deep and techno sounds. ***Special student deal on door: €3 all night***
● NIKOLA NEGOROD (modular live)
Free Amber Muse mobile app for Anroid/iOS:
Supported by: Polar Monkeys, Tribaltic.lv, TestPress.news, KAS KUR KAD. Promo stuff: Pm-Tm.
GDPR notice: Pics and videos captured during party will be used in online and social media.