EVENT: Amber Muse’s Das Boot: Discoteka Assorti / 29 Aug

We all love classic dance tunes, which recalls the coolest memories of the past moments of clubbing and partying. At the last summer DAS BOOT party we will have two Discoteka Assorti regulars mixing up familiar melodies from the Nautilus, Metro, Dizzi House times as well as some funk and disco, all on vinyl. The perfect way say adieu to summer season.
LINE-UP (classic house/disco vinyl sets):
20:00 boarding to “Vecrīga”;
20:30 departure for sail;
23:55 return (no stops during the journey).
Strictly limited capacity.
Location: Vecrīga boat (11.Novembra krastmala 9, to the right of the Akmens bridge).
Covid-19 safety notice:
Please assess your health and do not attend the event if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or if you are required to comply with self-isolation, home quarantine or strict isolation.
Maintain the personal hygiene and keep the self-distance when available.