Taran & Lomov “Blink” EP launch party / 28 OCT

Next Amber Muse Records release launch party will be with − Taran & Lomov a.k.a. Bogdan Taran and Max Lomov behind decks all night long.
Next EP at Amber Muse Records will be its very own Taran & Lomov’s threetracker “Blink / On the Edge” that includes Copy Paste Soul remix and has already gained support from business’ big guns. Its street date is October 28, and we would like to invite all of you to celebrate music with us.
First 50 attenders will receive QR code to download this release for free.
On door: 2 € until 01:00 / after – 4 €
(with ISIC/RSU student card – 2 € all night).
Facecontrol / 18+.
Install the latest 2.0 version of free Amber Muse mobile app below:
iOS – http://goo.gl/I0K6e7
Android – https://goo.gl/KhwPdD
Supported by:
www.pm-tm.lv, DanceRadio.lv